You don’t know me, but the reason I’m calling is I noticed some HUGE problems on your website so to make sure we’re not wasting eachothers my time…

You ARE the person in charge of the website….. correct?

[READ THE NAME OF THEIR WEBSITE] You are in charge of that site correct?

Okay, who can I talk to about that? The web designer? The owner? Who’s in charge of the site?

(once DM gets on phone, repeat the pitch)


Ok, So basically….

We scanned your site, did some research and listed ALL the issues we found and I’m POSITIVE  we can fix them and bring YOU more customers.

I know that sounds crazy because you don’t know me…

but I’m curious….. If we could do HALF of what I just told you… just HALF!

Would you invest in repairing these problems if it  brought MORE customers?

Just curious….. If not, no big deal however as a business owner, it’s IMPORTANT that you know what’s wrong with your website and how to fix it. And I want to share that information with you…


Good, so other than you… who makes final decisions?

OK, when you’re not busy. I’d like to go over what we found on your site…. NO CHARGE!

When are you  free? (secure a time and date!)

Ok, What’s your cell number?

And your email?

last question and we’re done.

Is there anything that’ll prevent you from showing up for the call?

Ok Great! Thanks for your time [NAME] and I’ll see you at [TIME & DATE]!